The foods we eat influence our energy levels; sleep quality affects mental focus, while daily stress plays havoc with emotional states. Creating this perfect balance requires some careful planning outside of working out too- which is why we help guide you make the right choice in terms of what food should you be eating and what supplements would help you achieve your goals faster.

Let us help you jump start your fitness.
Good nutrition is key to getting the most out of your workout. At Iron fitness Inc. in Thompson, Manitoba, we have a nutritional health program designed for people who want better results without spending extra time on nutrition or meal prep! Our program provides you with all the nutrients you need to stay energized and recover quickly.
Join IronFitness Today!
We believe in the diversity of people, bodies and emotional health! This gym is for everyone that is wanting to work on themselves and is home to a wide range of individuals of every age, body type, and level of fitness.
Serving Thompson, Manitoba, For over 30 years..
Our gym has been a fitness home for everyone. From conventional lifters, hockey players, basketball players, power lifters, HIIT training, box jumpers, and really, anyone who wants to work on themselves, we have them all. Iron Fitness in Thompson, Manitoba, has always been a safe place to work out. Our no judgement zone, which offers a helping hand to everyone who is starting out, is what sets us apart.